This natural Xiuyan jade eye mask is a wonderful addition to any self-care routine. It can be incorporated into meditation, yoga, and relaxation sessions to bring about a sense of calm, and used during the workday or travel to refresh and reinvigorate your skin and energy.
Jade is believed to have rejuvenating properties, and the woven stones of this jade mask feature a cooling, calming, lightly weighted design that helps to minimize the look of under eye puffiness and fine lines around the delicate eye area.
Jade eye mask helps to:
Relax facial muscles
Relieve stress and tension
- Encourage lymphatic drainage
Reduce under eye puffiness
Cool and calm the skin
How to use: Lay the eye mask flat against the skin. Leave on for as long desired, typically 1-15 minutes.
Tip: Jade maintains a cool temperature naturally, but for an even colder eye mask experience, store the mask in the refrigerator or freezer until use.