Essential oils capture both the energy, qi, and the spirit of a plant. Oils carry the nutrients and the genetics to every corner of the plant just as blood in the human body. When we extract oils from plants and plant parts, we change both the concentration and nature of a plant’s natural oil content. This becomes a powerful substance.
Essential oils can be used internally and topically. They can be inhaled, diffused, bathed in, warmed in a towel to apply to the face, or used as a fragrance. Essential oils can literally be used every day in amazing ways throughout the day. They can calm and destress as well as invigorate and energize. If you need help determining a fragrance, check out our blog post.
Snow Lotus essential oils are the embodiment of not only purity, but also optimal quality, and potency. They are the result of high quality plant material, artisan distillation techniques, and lack of any subsequent adulteration in order to create authentic fragrance and full bioavailability.
You can count on Snow Lotus essential oils to be pure and certified organic, artisan quality, produced by traditional steam distillation, maximum beauty and healing potential combined, personally sourced & hand-selected by Peter Holmes LAc, MH, distilled from sustainably grown or ethically wild-harvest plants, and optimal therapeutic potency and richness of fragrance
Shop People's Herbs extensive selection of Snow Lotus essential oils to get essential oils with full therapeutic potential, along with beautifully authentic fragrances that express the plant's energetic and spiritual signature.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Once you get started, the benefits of essential oils will unfold graciously.