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Get Healthy Skin with Chinese Herbs

Every second of every day, our skin is hard at work.  It’s providing us with protection, absorption, secretion, temperature regulation and sensation. Yet, with all skin does for us, we often don’t give it enough attention. In fact, skin might be our most neglected organ.

Traditional Chinese Medicine in Skincare

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) operates under the notion that the body is a holistic entity where all organsand their functions—are mutually supportive of each other.  Therefore, the health of our skin can be linked to our body’s overall state of wellness or illness.

The goal of TCM is to reach and maintain balance within the body.  Ultimately, optimal health is achieved through balance.  And balance is achieved by harmonizing yin and yangthe two opposing, yet complementary, energies affecting all living things.

When our body’s interconnected organs and systems are in balance, the body is in a state of ease (healthy).  Similarly, dis-ease can be traced to an imbalance within the body.

One of the main foundations of TCM is qi (pronounced "chee"), the body's vital energy source, which flows throughout the body via pathways called meridians. 

The body operates best when qi flows freely. When the flow of qi is blocked, weak or excessive, disease is likely to occur. By restoring the flow of qi, balance is harmonized where wellness can be better achieved. 

Skin concerns (e.g., dry skin, acne, eczema, etc.) can be a result of an imbalance of qi.  Remember, when the body is viewed as a wholenot separate systems and organs working independentlyhealthy skin externally can be seen as the result of a healthy body internally. 

TCM looks at disease and utilizes herbs that balance out the associated conditions.  For example, in a state of dis-ease where wetness and heat is present, TCM uses herb formulations that promote dryness and cooling.

Like every facet of Traditional Chinese Medicine, skin thrives when proper skincare is combined with a holistic lifestyle approach of healthy personal care routinesincluding getting adequate sleep, movement, nutrition, hydration, and limiting stress.

People’s Herbs ReDermaVive Skincare

ReDermaVive, People's Herbs soon-to-launch skincare line based in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is carefully designed and developed with the intention of restoring a balance of yin and yang to your skin.

As with all our formulas, People’s Herbs combines time-tested medicinal herbs with modern day research.  We take the best of both worlds, resulting in effective, natural products made with safe ingredients that keep your body rooted in nature.  

The following Chinese herbs are known to assist with skin health.  You’ll find these ingredients throughout the ReDermaVive skincare line:

Dang Gui
  • tonifies
  • invigorates and harmonizes the blood
  • reduces swelling
  • expels pus
  • generates flesh and alleviates pain

Dan Shen
  • tonifies
  • invigorates and harmonizes the blood
  • reduces swelling
  • expels pus
  • generates flesh and alleviates pain

Mu Dan Pi
  • clears heat
  • cools and harmonizes the blood
  • invigorates the blood
  • dispels blood stasis
  • drains pus and reduces swelling

Chi Shao
  • invigorates the blood
  • dispels blood stasis
  • relieves pain
  • clears heat
  • reduces swelling from sores and abscesses

He Shou Wu
  • tonifies the liver and kidneys
  • nourishes the blood
  • nourishes jing 
  • expels wind from the skin

Sheng Di Huang
  • clears heat
  • cools the blood
  • nourishes yin
  • for blotches on the skin (with Mu Dan Pi and Chi Sha)

Bai Ji Li
  • dispels wind 
  • stops itching



Get Healthy Skin with Chinese Herbs
People's Herbs - Ancient Beauty in a Modern World